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Implants, Overdentures And All- On-4’S (A.K.A Teeth In A Day)

Implants, Overdentures And All- On-4’S (A.K.A Teeth In A Day)

The old days of wearing false teeth that come in and out of your mouth are far gone. We now have better options that are scientifically and clinically proven. Dental implants have changed how we replace missing teeth. In fact, the development and use of implants is one of the biggest advances in dentistry in the past 40 years.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants serve as a complete tooth replacement. They are usually broken down into three components: the post, abutment, and restoration.

The dental implant post looks like a screw. It is normally made of titanium and integrates into the jawbone like a tooth root. This is a process known as osseointegration. The abutment is attached to the post, and the restoration, or crown, is attached to the abutment.


1.      Stop your teeth from shifting into the empty space - When you lose a tooth, the surrounding teeth will eventually begin moving to fill in the space. This can cause a number of dental complications. Unevenly spaced or crowded teeth are harder to keep clean and could cost you a fortune down the road in orthodontic care. Placing a dental implant now will keep your teeth properly spaced and make it easy to keep them clean.

2.      Conserve your jawbone - If you choose to place a fixed bridge instead of getting a dental implant, your jawbone will eventually begin to deteriorate underneath the missing tooth. This occurs because you don’t receive adequate stimulation to the bone without a tooth root. The same occurs with dentures that are not implant-supported. The longer you wait to get dental implants, the more likely it is that your jawbone may lack the integrity to get implants in the future without a dental bone graft.

3.      Implant-supported dentures - Many people complain of a wide variety of complications with their dentures. Poor fit, sores in their mouths, sunken lips, and food restrictions. If you wear dentures, you can get a fixed, permanent solution with implant-supported dentures. There are various procedures available and some even support a full arch of prosthetic teeth with as few as four implants.

Modern Implant Dentistry

Implant dentistry has been around for decades. Today it is aided by digital imaging equipment, 3D CAD/CAM software, ceramic restoration milling machines, and computer tomography. A dentist with the latest implant dentistry technology at his or her disposal can literally show you your treatment results before ever actually beginning your treatment. If you choose dental implants to replace a tooth, multiple teeth, or provide a more comfortable solution for your dentures, talk to your dentist about your different dental implant treatment options.

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